Zeth Cameron’s creative practice draws on the subversive potential of messy and childish aesthetics, refusing calls to grow up, settle down, and fit in. Cameron’s work investigates the power of creativity and playfulness. This inquiry is underpinned by Cameron’s experiences as a transgender adult with ADHD‚ and the damaging attempts at correction they have experienced from others. Cameron’s practice criticises the frameworks of capitalism, cis-heteronormativity, and psychoanalysis as alienating to queer and neurodivergent individuals by joyfully refusing to conform to social rules.
PLAY.ZONE is an expansive multimedia investigation of the concepts and experiments that Cameron considered during the Naarm/Melbourne lockdowns. Across their home, Cameron organised creative assemblages in ways that intervened in or disrupted the spaces, as they resisted boredom through playfulness. TENT is a structure originally designed to be made into a basketball hoop and soccer goal. Instead, Cameron remade the plastic poles and joiners into a joyfully chaotic sculpture that can take a different form each time it is assembled. PLAY.ZONE invites viewers to experience the sculpture, craft, video, zines, projection, sound, performance, found-object art and painting works that make up the entire project.